Concerning H. Gould (AKA, “Skunk Curley”)
From court proceedings, Sept. 20, 1878

State of Kansas
H Gould alias
Skunk Curley
Filed this 27th
Day of Nov 1878
[signature indistinguishable]

State of Kansas In Justice Court, before Lloyd Shinn
County of Ford Justice of the Peace, in and for Dodge
Township in the County aforesaid
State of Kansas
H Gould alias
Skunk Cunley
Personally appeared before me Wyatt Earp who being duly sworn deposes and says that on the 20th day of September 1878 one Skunk Curley in and upon the body of one Fred Cogan then and there being did faloniously (sic) make an assault and faloniously did shoot at and wound with intent then and there faloniously, maliciously and on purpose to kill and murder him, the said Fred Cogan, and deponent prays that process may be issued against the said Skunk Curley and that he be dealt with according to law
Wyatt Earp
Sworn to and subscribed before me the 20th day of September A.D. 1878
Lloyd Shinn
Justice of the Peace

Warrant issued this 20th day of September A.D. 1878 directed to W.B. Masterson Sheriff of Ford County and returnable forthwith.
Subpeona [sic] issued on behalf of the State For Wyatt Earp, James Masterson, Josie [indistinguishable] and Fred Cogan.
Warrant returned this 20th day of September A.D. 1878 with the following endorsement thereon to wit: “Received this writ this 20th day of September A.D. 1878 served by arresting the within named Skunk Curley and having his body in court”. Serving warrant $.50 W.B. Masterson Sheriff
By Jas Masterson Deputy

And now, to wit: on this 20th day of September A.D. 1878 this cause being called for hearing, the defendant pleads “not guilty” and says that he waives his preliminary examination until the case can be heard by the District Court whereupon a [indistinguishable] was issued to the keeper of the Jail of Ford County directing him to hold the body of the said H Gould alias Skunk Curley until the said District Court shall convene or until a good and sufficient bond be given in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars for his appearance at the next term of the District Court.
Lloyd Shinn
State of Kansas
Ford County
I Lloyd Shinn, the undersigned Justice of the Peace of Dodge Township in said county, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, full and complete copy from my Docket of the proceedings had by and before me at my office in said County, in the above action. Witness my hand at Dodge City in said County, On this 20th day of September A. D. 1878
Lloyd Shinn
Justice of the Peace