- About Us
- Books
- Early Ford County
- Acknowledgement
- CHAPTER EIGHT Adobe Walls Fight
- CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Court House His Monument
- CHAPTER ELEVEN Cattle Men and Drives
- CHAPTER FIFTEEN Business and Professional Men
- CHAPTER FIVE Organization of Ford County
- CHAPTER FOUR Dodge City and Other Towns
- CHAPTER FOURTEEN Newspapers in Ford County
- CHAPTER NINE Toll Bridge Gateway to the Southwest
- CHAPTER NINETEEN A Good Place to Get a Start
- CHAPTER ONE Peketon County Later Ford
- CHAPTER SEVEN Indian Chief’s Narrow Escape
- CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Dodge City a Sporting Town
- CHAPTER SIX Buffalo Gold
- CHAPTER SIXTEEN Early Day Men and a Diary
- CHAPTER TEN The Buffalo Trade
- CHAPTER THIRTEEN Dodge City Represented Ford County
- CHAPTER THREE Dodge City Town Company
- CHAPTER TWELVE Men Who Made the West
- CHAPTER TWENTY Herder Wagonmaster Lose Lives
- CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Along the Sawlog
- CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Dodge City Today Yesteryear
- CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Tales of Early Day Youth
- CHAPTER TWO Along the Santa Fe Trail
- Foreword
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Early Ford County
- Chapter I. The Country, Time, and Conditions that Brought About Dodge City
- Churches in Old Dodge City
- Collections
- Contact
- Coronado Cross
- Dodge City
- Dodge City Shootout: The Deaths of Levi Richardson and Frank Loving
- Dodge House Hotel, 1873
- First Dodge City AAA 150-mile Auto Race, 1916
- Living in the Mexican Village, As Seen Through the Eyes of a Small Child
- The Bull Fight at Dodge
- The Dodge City Cowboy Band
- The Harvey House and The Harvey Girls
- The Hinkle-Heinz House (1881)
- The Mexican Village
- The True Story of Clay Allison and Wyatt Earp
- Dodge City, Kansas History
- Appendix
- Chapter II. Travel on Old Trails
- Chapter III. Ranching in Early Days
- Chapter IV. The Greatest Game Country on Earth
- Chapter IX. The Administration of Justice on the Frontier
- Chapter V. Indian Life of the Plains
- Chapter VI. Wild Days with the Soldiers
- Chapter VII. The Beginnings of Dodge City
- Chapter VIII. Populating Boot Hill
- Chapter X. The Passing of the Buffalo
- Chapter XI. Joking with Powder and Ball
- Chapter XII. When Conviviality Was the Fashion and the Rule
- Chapter XIII. Resorts Other than Saloons, and Pastimes Other than Drinking
- Chapter XIV. Where the Swindler Flourished and Grew Fat
- Chapter XV. The Cattle Business and the Texas Drive
- Chapter XVI. Distinguished Sojourners at Fort Dodge and Dodge City
- Chapter XVII. The Great Decline and Subsequent Revival
- Introduction
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Dr. Samuel Jay Crumbine
- Ford County
- Frederick Carl Zimmermann
- George Merritt Hoover
- HTML Site Map
- Ida Ellen Cox [Rath]
- Membership
- Mission Statement
- People
- Projects
- The Rath Trail
- Chapter 1: Quite a Start in Life
- Chapter 10: The Buffalo Trade
- Chapter 11: Cowboy Capital
- Chapter 12: Indian Chief’s Peril
- Chapter 13: Adobe Wall Trading Post
- Chapter 14: Adobe Walls Fight
- Chapter 15: Indian Depredation Loss
- Chapter 16: Lone Tree Massacre
- Chapter 17: Fort Griffin and the Flats
- Chapter 18: Where the Rath Trail Led
- Chapter 19: A Time of Change
- Chapter 2: Indian Alliance
- Chapter 20: Rath City Evacuated
- Chapter 21: Rath’s Freight Trains
- Chapter 22: The Bull Fight
- Chapter 23: End of the Trail
- Chapter 3: Indian Depredations
- Chapter 4: An Act of Bravery Saves Two Lives
- Chapter 5: Among the Comanches
- Chapter 6: Indian Depredation Case
- Chapter 7: A Brave Man on the Plains
- Chapter 8: The Railroad Builds Westward
- Chapter 9: The Men Who Returned
- Illustrations
- Preface
- Table of Contents